Episode 3 – PVP (Plans, Vegetables, Parrots)

Four giant powerful women with no social skills walk into a bar. Morgan wizardsplains. Delphi eats her veggies. Tohsya orders the Pasta of Heroes. Raina pretends to be drunk. Cover art by Eiriol Evans. Music used: “A New World Dawns” by Chloe Elliott. “Firelight Dance” by Chloe Elliott. “It Takes Them From the Shadows” by…

Episode 2 – Trouble in Tepmet

Our heroes travelled to the Eternal Shards, only to find them childless. Their services are still required, however… Raina drinks (responsibly). Delphi debates stabbing a child. Tosyha inquires about the buffness of a local. Morgan hatches a plan. Cover art by Eiriol Evans. Music used: “A New World Dawns” by Chloe Elliott. “Seth’s Lullaby” by…