Episode 14 – At First I Was Afraid

It’s a race against time and a pair of basilisks for our adventurers as they try to escape the impossible castle. Delphi does some parkour. Morgan commits property damage. Raina takes a petri-vacation. Toz tries to impress her not-so-absent parental figure. What (or who) is behind the spontaneous time travel and can they send everyone…

Episode 13 – Rosemary for Remembrance

After proving themselves (un)worthy bachelorettes by (by)passing the test, the girls are faced with the mysterious castle’s proprietor and a figure from Tohsya’s past. Morgan attempts some research, Delphi does some snooping, Tohsya takes charge and Raina makes unhelpful comments. Can they figure out what’s going on, or are they running out of time? Cover…