Episode 16 – Murder in the Clockwork City

It’s time to solve a murder. The girls make their way to the Clockwork City where mystery, intrigue and awkward social encounters await! Toz demonstrates questionable cooking skills. Raina solves a short term problem by accidentally creating a long term one. Morgan tries (and fails) to network. Delphi uncovers a deeper mystery still… Cover art…

Episode 15 – A Little More Conversation

With the mysterious castles gone as if they’d never existed, our heroes settle down for the night. Toz flirts with -1 charisma. Delphi and Raina discuss architecture. Morgan wizardsplains (again). Cover art by Eiriol Evans. Original Soundtrack by Chloe Elliott. A New World Dawns (Main Theme) The Wide World Out There A Temporary Setback (Morgan’s…