Episode 43 – We Condone Sharks Committing Murder

Our heroes have got what they came for; but what exactly that is they don’t quite know. Morgan gets lucky politicking. Delphi remembers folk tales. Toz is really hungry. Raina sends a long awaited message. Cover art by Eiriol Evans. Original Soundtrack by Chloe Elliott. A New World Dawns (Main Theme) Glitch in Reality Sound…

Episode 42 – Aquabatics

The Tall Girls have arrived at the Planar Whirlpool – but they’re not quite sure what to do. Time to experiment! Raina forgets to breathe. Toz is just so buff. Morgan plays life guard. Delphi has eyeballs. Cover art by Eiriol Evans. Original Soundtrack by Chloe Elliott. A New World Dawns (Main Theme) Glitch in…