Episode 74 – Oh, Brother!

CW: water supply contamination from 29:30 onwards. The Atherdale siblings and their seconds test their mettle against each other. Meanwhile in Antaburgh, Morgan, Raina and the twins gate crash the Aldridge ball… again. Follow our special guests Nate (@natescottjones) and Will (@will_byford) on Twitter! Music by Chloe Elliott: A New World Dawns (Main Theme) For…

Episode 73 – Over Drinks and Doorsteps

CW: Minor spoilers! Check the end of the description. We jump right into the action with our dual narrative! While Toz and Tor are busying preparing their seconds for their duel, a trip to the docks leads our Rabbit Day crew to a local tavern where Raina turns on the charm in search of answers.…