Episode 76 – Conversations and Conspiracies

Investigations abound! In Gairmarus, Delphi and Toz do some digging about Tor’s “Book Club”. In Antaburgh, Raina, Morgan and the twins speak to the manager. Apologies for the terrible audio folks. Ellie has just moved house so the audio levels are all over the shop. We’ll try and remaster it at some point! Follow our…

Episode 75 – Invites and Interrogations

Our Rabbit Day adventurers grill Morgan’s brother for info surrounding the weird time magic. Meanwhile, Toz and Tor butt heads. Follow our special guests Nate (@natescottjones) and Will (@will_byford) on Twitter! Music by Chloe Elliott: A New World Dawns (Main Theme) Stone by Stone For Glory and Honour Fine Red Lines Artwork by Eiriol Evans.…