Rainbow Roll Fest Special Episode!

Donate to Mermaids using our link here: https://tiltify.com/@deckofmanyaces/deck-of-many-aces-december-fundraiser A storm brews above the city of Atus Orbus. But as the thunder rolls, the city undergoes a miraculous transformation… Morgan punches a wall. Toz sees things a little differently. Delphi is overstimulated. Raina reads a prophecy. Today’s episode is a special one shot recorded for Rainbow…

Episode 41 – The Musical Episode

This volcano hides further secrets. How will our heroes surpass their next obstacles? Delphi blunks away the acid. Raina attempts an ill-advised somersault. Toz takes the hits. Morgan still has no shoes. Cover art by Eiriol Evans. Original Soundtrack by Chloe Elliott. A New World Dawns (Main Theme) Glitch in Reality Ice Cold Heart Check…

Episode 40 – A Lava-ly Excursion

The dungeon continues! The party meet a particularly fiery monster as they make their way further into the volcano. Toz gets burned (many times). Morgan’s wings can’t help her. Raina suspects a trap. Delphi has teeth. Cover art by Eiriol Evans. Original Soundtrack by Chloe Elliott. A New World Dawns (Main Theme) Roll For Initiative…

The Performance Review

To celebrate Ace Week, we present to you 4 vignettes! Bastet has called: it’s time for the Tall Girls’ performance reviews. Cover art by Eiriol Evans. Original Soundtrack by Chloe Elliott. A New World Dawns (Main Theme) What Once Was Lost (Raina’s Theme) A Temporary Setback (Morgan’s Theme) The Heath’s Reveille (Tohsya’s Theme) A Fracture…

Episode 39 – The Wind Puzzle and the Immovable Carpet

Our fractured party delve deeper into the volcano, in search of the Planar Whirlpool. But they seem to be a little stuck at the first hurdle… Raina falls with style. Morgan (bed)rolls with the punches. Toz throws a watery weapon. Delphi is not strong. Cover art by Eiriol Evans. Original Soundtrack by Chloe Elliott. A…

Episode 38 – Leap of Failure

Actions have consequences, and the Tall Girls are facing them. Despite Delphi’s caution, the Seer is out of action – but how will they deal with the fallout? Raina loses her cool. Morgan tries to solve problems of a different kind. Toz wasn’t there so can’t tell you what happened. Delphi implies there’s something more…

Episode 37 – The (Aero)Planar Whirlpool

The Tall Girls venture into the unknown on the hidden isle, aided by a mysterious clairvoyant. Morgan proposes financial crimes. Toz checks up on her family. Raina receives answers that only lead to more questions. Delphi’s curiosity has unintended consequences. Cover art by Eiriol Evans. Original Soundtrack by Chloe Elliott. A New World Dawns (Main…

Episode 36 – Florence, Where’s Your Machine?

Our heroes follow their new friends to uncover secrets they weren’t supposed to know… and may not be allowed to keep. Raina discovers suspicious suspected ancestry. Morgan puts her arcane smarts to the test. Toz chows down on magical sweets. Delphi is the answer to a professional wizarding opinion. Cover art by Eiriol Evans. Original…