Episode 19 – What was he Doing in my Swamp?

Our shocked adventurers must now decide what to do with the body in the closet. Why was the doctor killed and how did he end up there? Toz plays kid detective. Morgan provides a surprising amount of advice on hiding bodies. Delphi performs questionable funeral rites. Raina tries to sit everyone down for tea. CONTENT…

Episode 18 – Out of the Closet

The Tall Girls are in hot pursuit of a new lead – but Felicity isn’t talking. What does the fast-talking gnome know about Dr. Delaware’s mysterious disappearance? Raina does a charisma. Delphi and Morgan nerd out about crystals. Toz performs a great feat of acrobatic skill. Cover art by Eiriol Evans. Original Soundtrack by Chloe…

Episode 17 – All Cats Are Bees

Having searched the university for clues, the girls head to the local law enforcement for information. Toz strikes a cool pose. Delphi discovers the police. Morgan puts on her interrogation hat. Raina susses out a suspect. ACAB stuff: [22.10-23.30] We talk about ACAB in a joke about what each of the characters think ACAB stands…

Episode 16 – Murder in the Clockwork City

It’s time to solve a murder. The girls make their way to the Clockwork City where mystery, intrigue and awkward social encounters await! Toz demonstrates questionable cooking skills. Raina solves a short term problem by accidentally creating a long term one. Morgan tries (and fails) to network. Delphi uncovers a deeper mystery still… Cover art…

Episode 15 – A Little More Conversation

With the mysterious castles gone as if they’d never existed, our heroes settle down for the night. Toz flirts with -1 charisma. Delphi and Raina discuss architecture. Morgan wizardsplains (again). Cover art by Eiriol Evans. Original Soundtrack by Chloe Elliott. A New World Dawns (Main Theme) The Wide World Out There A Temporary Setback (Morgan’s…

Episode 14 – At First I Was Afraid

It’s a race against time and a pair of basilisks for our adventurers as they try to escape the impossible castle. Delphi does some parkour. Morgan commits property damage. Raina takes a petri-vacation. Toz tries to impress her not-so-absent parental figure. What (or who) is behind the spontaneous time travel and can they send everyone…

Episode 13 – Rosemary for Remembrance

After proving themselves (un)worthy bachelorettes by (by)passing the test, the girls are faced with the mysterious castle’s proprietor and a figure from Tohsya’s past. Morgan attempts some research, Delphi does some snooping, Tohsya takes charge and Raina makes unhelpful comments. Can they figure out what’s going on, or are they running out of time? Cover…

Splitting the Deck – The Eyes Have Gotta Come Out Somehow

We’re back with our woodland familiars in part two of Grant Howitt’s The Witch is Dead! The hunter becomes the hunted. Oi distracts a chef. Long Toes demonstrates their ventriloquism skills. Bernard fashions a weapon. As for the witch hunter’s eyes… CONTENT WARNING: To avoid descriptions of gore, skip 33:15 – 36:57. Find more of…