Episode 81 – Ripples

The battle in Gairmarus may be over, but the siblings still have the fallout to deal with. Fallout that might reach further than their own rivalry… Toz makes a promise. Tor hears voices. Delphi makes a mistake. Follow our special guest Will (@will_byford) on Twitter! Music by Chloe Elliott: A New World Dawns (Main Theme)…

Episode 80 – To The Victor

Every battle has an end. One half of our team fights an aboleth deep below the lake of Antaburgh, while Toz is locked in ritual combat against her own brother. Who will emerge triumphant? Raina sees a ghost. Morgan channels her inner Magneto. Equilibrium walks the eldritch dog. Delphi blunks (again). Toz makes a last…

Episode 79 – To Arms!

Two battles in two cities come to a head. Who will emerge triumphant? Toz becomes a flamethrower . Tor concentrates real hard (or tries to at least). Delphi blinks around the battlefield. Raina does funky bard magic. Equilibrium taps into the great equation of existence. Morgan holds time in place. Follow our special guests Nate…

Episode 78 – The Fear of the Fight

CW: vomit 6:39 – 6:59. In two separate cities, the Tall Girls gear up for two separate fights. One, a planned practice between siblings, and the other, a foray into the unknown on the water of a lake. Raina flips a boat. Morgan gives the DM a gift. Equilibrium feels queasy. Tor receives an ominous…

Episode 77 – Iron Sharpens Iron

There’s something up with the water in Antaburgh, and our team are getting closer to figuring out what! They might be stuck in a time loop, but at least they aren’t caught up with secret cults and squabbling siblings like the other half of the party… Equilibrium buys a fruit basket. Morgan remembers a name.…

Feed drop – Modified Roll S2 Ep 41 – An Old Flame

We’re having a break from regular posting this week, as the cast are on holiday! Please enjoy this episode of Modified Roll, featuring our lovely Chloe as the voice of Mercy. Support us by becoming a patron on Patreon. Check out the full original soundtrackhere. Music from the main campaign can be found on Spotify,…

Episode 76 – Conversations and Conspiracies

Investigations abound! In Gairmarus, Delphi and Toz do some digging about Tor’s “Book Club”. In Antaburgh, Raina, Morgan and the twins speak to the manager. Apologies for the terrible audio folks. Ellie has just moved house so the audio levels are all over the shop. We’ll try and remaster it at some point! Follow our…

Episode 75 – Invites and Interrogations

Our Rabbit Day adventurers grill Morgan’s brother for info surrounding the weird time magic. Meanwhile, Toz and Tor butt heads. Follow our special guests Nate (@natescottjones) and Will (@will_byford) on Twitter! Music by Chloe Elliott: A New World Dawns (Main Theme) Stone by Stone For Glory and Honour Fine Red Lines Artwork by Eiriol Evans.…