Episode 69 – Meet the Athardales

Two cities for the price of one! The Tall Girls use the time before the ball to explore and reconnect. Toz reunites with some family. Delphi pranks some guards. Morgan seeks out a sibling. Raina learns more about Antaburgh ball etiquette. Music: A New World Dawns (Main Theme) The Wide World Out There The Heaths…

Episode 68 – Parties and Homicide

The party sneak out of the city and head to Antaburgh. But what will be waiting for them at the end of their journey? Raina doesn’t remember. Morgan has her priorities right. Delphi doesn’t apologise- but offers some warlock skills. Toz sees a familiar sight. WE DON’T CONDONE PUTTING DICE IN YOUR MOUTH. PLEASE DON’T…

Episode 67 – The Best Laid Plans

Morgan has KO’d Lyra Opulensis. But was the attack lethal? And how will the party deal with the fallout? Tohsya loses her temper. Delphi makes a decision. Raina demands better from the party. Morgan receives some correspondence from an old friend. Cover art by Eiriol Evans. Original Soundtrack by Chloe Elliott. A New World Dawns…

Cast Cosy Corner – Am Talks Horse Girl

**Please note this content is not suitable for under 18s** CW: body horror, torture, dehumanisation, bestiality, pregnancy, sexual situations, and having horrible things done to you by someone you love. While the cast are taking some well-earned R&R, enjoy this sneak peek at our Patreon content! In Cast Cosy Corner, each of our players takes…

Episode 66 – Too Stubborn to Die

CW: gun use 47:55-48:38. Our heroes are still in the fight! Lyra is back on her feet and posing an even more severe threat. The Tall Girls will need to find a new way out of this one! Raina stabs a toff. Toz is fun to fight. Morgan lands a big punch. Delphi stands perfectly…

Episode 65 – Ghosts in the Machine

Can our adventurers finally resolve the ghostly problem? And who could be the mastermind behind it all? Toz meets an unexpected figure from her past. Delphi makes a well timed jab. Raina (well, Chloe) rolls a lot of dice. Morgan ummmmms. Cover art by Eiriol Evans. Original Soundtrack by Chloe Elliott. A New World Dawns…

Episode 64 – Metallic Wizardry

The Tall Girls need to find a way forward, but they are faced with an electrifying obstacle! Delphi knocks on the door. Morgan harnesses lightning. Raina uncovers confusing machinery. Toz flexes through the muscle burn. Cover art by Eiriol Evans. Original Soundtrack by Chloe Elliott. A New World Dawns (Main Theme) Roll For Initiative Jolted…