Episode 57 – Poutine on the Ritz

The ghost of the sportsball arena is no more! But have our heroes actually learned anything? Morgan displays her encyclopaedic knowledge of cheese. Delphi has a hunch. Raina questions authority. Toz needs her snacks. Today’s promo is for The Thorne Files Podcast! Find them on Twitter @ThorneFilesPod. Order our limited time merch here until 29th…

Episode 56 – The Ghost Cube

The Tall Girls have found a ghost and it’s anything but friendly! Toz dives into the undead cube. Raina fumbles her swordplay. Morgan catches a ghost type. Delphi demonstrates her hitty-ness. Today’s promo is for Cybertopia! Find them on Twitter @CybertopiaAP. Buy the game here. Order our limited time merch here until 29th July. Cover…

Episode 55 – Something Strange

There’s something spooky going on! The party continue their investigation at Navrosh’s sporting arena. Just who or what are these ghostly figures? Toz suggests a musical summoning. Morgan employs her hacker skills. Raina translates graffiti. Delphi calms someone down- badly. Order our limited time merch here until 29th July. Cover art by Eiriol Evans. Original…

Episode 54 – The Beautiful Game

The Tall Girls begin their new investigation at the sporting arena. But what sport exactly is played here? Toz’s attention is in demand. Raina ‘finds’ a fish ghost. Morgan goes over the top. Delphi commits sheet music theft. Find our limited time merch store here until 31st July. Cover art by Eiriol Evans. Original Soundtrack…

Episode 53 – A Bumpy Ride

One large bird and a little bit of blood later, our heroes arrive in the city of Navrosh. Time to get the investigation underway! Morgan goes back to bed. Toz forages dodgy tobacco. Raina has a bad travel experience. Delphi hates it here. Cover art by Eiriol Evans. Original Soundtrack by Chloe Elliott. A New…

Episode 52 – The Empty Village

Having vanquished the dragon, our heroes continue on their journey through the mountains. Toz leaves an offering. Morgan debates the size of goats. Raina repeats a question. Delphi learns something new. Cover art by Eiriol Evans. Original Soundtrack by Chloe Elliott. A New World Dawns (Main Theme) Shadows in the Sky Seth’s Lullaby A Fracture…

Episode 51 – Hoarders

The Tall Girls don’t have much fight left in them… but could the tide be turning in their favour? Toz gets a slam dunk. Morgan’s not as strong as she thinks. Delphi’s glaive is cooler than Eldritch Blast. Raina gets in a grump (again). Cover art by Eiriol Evans. Original Soundtrack by Chloe Elliott. A…

Episode 50 – I Get Knocked Down, But I Get Up Again

Still locked in combat with the dragon, it appears our heroes may have underestimated it. Toz is a powerhouse. Raina has a startling awakening. Delphi blunks some more. Morgan reaches out to find nothing to hang on to. Cover art by Eiriol Evans. Original Soundtrack by Chloe Elliott. A New World Dawns (Main Theme) Down…